Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa Prospectus

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa



Co. Tipperary

Phone/Fax: 0504- 44466

web site:

Welcome         Fáilte

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa Mission Statement

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa is a co-educational Roman Catholic, primary school, (which is established in connection with the Minister) under the Patronage of the Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, which strives to provide a disciplined, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the academic, spiritual, physical, social, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed to the best of the ability of the teaching and ancillary staff of the school.

While Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also has due recognition and regard for all other religions.  We accept pupils from other churches where it is the wish of their parents /guardians that they receive their education in our school.  We will endeavour to provide faith formation for all our pupils.

The Board of Management of Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa, will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional, personal and spiritual development of teachers through staff development programmes.

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa will encourage the involvement of parents through home/school contacts and through their involvement in the Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa Parents Association.  Parent-Teacher meetings are held once a year and informal meetings between parents and teachers/principal as the need arises.  An enrolment day is held, usually in the month of March for the parents’ of the new junior infants class.

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of all the children and teachers of the school and also everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people, knowledge, truth and the environment and to encourage in them the idea of being responsible individuals who will strive to make our school community a better place for all of us.

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa will promote gender equity amongst the teachers, ancillary staff and pupils.  Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa is an equal opportunity school.

Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.  Tá sé mar aidhm again an Ghaeilge a athbheochan mar theanga cumarsáide.

We promote, through co-operation and our code of conduct, an environment where every child has the right to be a confident, happy and successful learner.  We aim to foster a sense of community where we are all respected.  The school models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in accordance with the doctrine, practices and tradition of the Roman Catholic Faith.

School Information

Our School Uniform

Girls Boys

Grey Pinafore,                                 Grey school pants

Grey shirt                                         Grey shirt

(Crested) Royal blue cardigan or (Crested) Royal blue v necked jumper

School tie                                          School tie

Grey or white socks                         Grey or white socks

(If older girls wish they may wear a grey skirt and Royal blue v necked jumper)

Stockists: Kavanagh’s Drapery, Urlingford.

School tracksuits and school jackets are only available through the Parents Association.

Tracksuits/ School Jackets: Bernie Walsh: 086 3848898

School Insurance can also be paid to the Parents Association or through the school office.

School Day

The school day begins at 9.20a.m. and ends at 3.00p.m. for most pupils with the exception of Junior and Senior Infants who go home at 2.00p.m.  Pupils assemble in the front yard (not a play area) and line up in an orderly manner when the bell rings.  On wet days students assemble in the school hallway.  Pupils are responsible for their own belongings and must not leave them unattended before or after school.  While we encourage and expect punctuality, students should not arrive before 9.20a.m due to insurance reasons.  Classes begin at 9.30a.m.   All pupils should be present at this time.


There is a short recreational break at 11a.m. for all children.  Lunchtime is 12.30 – 1.00p.m.   Healthy lunches are encouraged.

All pupils staying in school for lunch must have a cloth in case of spillage.  Chewing gum and all forms of crisps, large cans, glass bottles or sweets are not allowed.  No eating/drinking in the playground.  A lunch permit is required if going home for lunch.  Any part of lunch uneaten must be replaced in lunch box and brought home if a pupil forgets his/her lunch, he/she may phone home.

Collecting children from school

Junior and Senior Infants to be collected by their parents/guardians at the main entrance.

First to sixth classes must be collected by their parents/guardians at the school gate, except those who have parental/guardian permission to walk home alone.

No pupil is allowed to leave the school grounds without the permission of the class teacher and knowledge of the Principal.

Any child being collected from school during the day for any reason must remain in the classroom until parent/guardian comes to collect him/ her. Parent /Guardian must first call to the office and sign an early release form.  The school secretary will notify the class teacher.

Illness and Injury

Minor injuries will be dealt with as appropriate on the school premises.

Serious injuries or sickness – the designated contact person will be telephoned and asked to collect the child.

Medication for self-administration e.g. paracetamol, throat lozenges, cough bottles etc., which are not necessary for survival are not allowed to be brought to school by pupils.  Administration of medicines in schools by teachers is not allowed.

Children who are sick should not be sent to school.

Notify school immediately in the case of infectious diseases, which are contagious.

Check your child’s hair regularly for head lice.

Contacting the school

Parent’s/Guardians wishing to discuss a school related matter with the class teacher or Principal may do so by (a) making an appointment by telephoning between 9.45a.m. – 1.30p.m. (b) writing a note to the teacher requesting an appointment. All other messages can be left into the office. (Lunches, sport’s gear, books etc.,)  In urgent cases, only parents are asked to report to the school secretary or principal.

Parent/teacher consultations must take place out of hearing of other pupils and/or parents/guardians.

School newsletter

During the course of the year we issue letters containing general school news and information.

The oldest member of each family will be given the letter.

It is important that you check your child’s schoolbag regularly.

The school website is regularly updated with information.


In the interest of safety, PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE YELLOW BOX outside the school gate.

The school entrance and the community field entrance must be kept clear at all times.

The community field provides parking for staff cars only.

School Curriculum

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa endeavours to implement all aspects of the Primary School Curriculum.  The general aims of primary education are:

  • To enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her potential as a unique individual.
  • To enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society.
  • To prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning.

School Book Scheme

All children avail of the School Book Rental Scheme.

The current cost is €30.00 per child.


Our students also have the opportunity to participate in extra curricular activities such as athletics, hurling, football, soccer, basketball, camogie, quizzes, concerts, art competitions, dancing, tin whistle and school outings.

School Plan

Our curriculum plans (e.g. Gaeilge, English, Mathematics) and school Policies & Procedures (e.g. Health & Safety, Bullying, Substance Use, Assessment) are available on request from the

school office.


Parents supporting homework

Homework both written and oral is the responsibility of parent’s/guardian.  Presentation is very important.

Homework should be supervised as far as possible and signed only when completed or when, in parent’s opinion, a child has done his/her best.

The length of time taken to complete homework will vary from child to child.  However, as a general guideline children in the junior end of the school should spend approximately a half an hour on their homework, whilst those in 4th – 6th classes should spend approximately 1 hour.

Homework is not given at the weekends.

School Rules

In terms of the life of the school in general, and with regard to discipline in particular, the value of co-operation and mutual support between home and school cannot be over emphasised.

We ask all parents/guardians to support the rules so that our school is a happy, safe and progressive place for all.

We aim to teach our students the importance of self-discipline.  In order that we can learn properly, get on well together and be safe and happy the school expects that each student will –

  • Be kind, helpful and show consideration for others.
  • Be truthful. Respect and obey school Staff.
  • Do your best to do your class work and homework.
  • Play safely and remain in designated areas in the schoolyard.
  • Come to school every day and arrive on time.
  • Bring all the things you need for school everyday.
  • Walk in file quietly and in an orderly way when you are moving around the school.
  • Treat your school environment and school property with care.
  • Only leave the school during the school day when your parent/minder is there to collect you.

Strategies to Affirm Desirable Behaviour

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa promotes a code of positive behaviour.  Each class teacher with his/her pupils establishes a code for their room at the beginning of the school year.  This code is displayed in a prominent position in the room.  Praise and encouragement is recognised as an integral part of affirming positive behaviour.

Listed below are examples of rewards used as incentives to affirm positive behaviour.

  • Comments and smiley faces on children’s work
  • Stickers, badges or ink stamps on books.
  • Specially written note home.
  • Homework pass.
  • Certificate or merit awards.

Strategies and sanctions for dealing with misbehaviour

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa recognises that it is accepted that there is a need for sanctions to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour.  Listed below are our set of graded sanctions which contain a degree of flexibility to take account of individual circumstances:

  • Correction by class teacher – speak to the child, remind the child of the rule which is being broken and encourage him/her to keep this rule.
  • Temporary separation from peers or “Time Out”
  • Time Out in another class.
  • Detention at 11 o’clock break for pupils who continue to commit misdemeanours, serious misdemeanours or gross misbehaviour in classroom or playground.  Such pupils will remain inside under supervision of the teacher assigned to detention duty.  Pupils will complete detention form to help them to reflect on their behaviour.

These detention forms are then sent home to be signed by     parent or guardian.

  • If there is no improvement in behaviour parents will be contacted by class teacher and asked for their support.
  • Referral to Principal.
  • When all else fails the matter will be referred to the Board of Management.

Board of Management

Fr. Joe Tynan-Chairperson

Mrs. Joan Doherty (Principal) -Secretary

Ms. Ann Ryan -Teacher Representative

Mrs. Ann-Marie Hayes-Treasurer

Mrs. Maura Carroll – Patrons Nominee

Mr. Jim Ryan – Health & Safety / Parents Representative

Mr. Michael Costelloe – Maintenance / Community Representative

Mrs. Mariena Ryan – Community Representative

Teaching Staff:

Mrs.Joan Doherty – (Principal)

Mrs.Margaret McCullagh – (Vice Principal)

Ms.Finola Spain,  Mr.Liam McCullagh,  Mrs. Mairead O’Brien,    Ms. Ann Ryan,  Mrs. Jackie Hourigan.

Ancillary Staff

Special Needs Assistants              Ms. Maura Doyle / Mrs. Sandra Fogarty

Secretary                                         Mrs. Karen Hynes

Care taking Duties                          Mr. P. J. Claffey

Cleaning Duties                              Mrs. Jennifer Cleary

Parents Association – Officers Elected

Mrs. Noella Barnes –               Chairperson / Insurance

Mrs. Mary Corcoran –             Secretary

Mrs. Siobhán Sheridan –        Treasurer

Mrs. Bernie Walsh –                Tracksuits/Uniforms

Mrs.Carmel Burke –                 Book Rental Scheme

All parents are automatic members of the Parents Association when their child is in school.  The Parents Association do valuable work in support of the school and ask that you might consider how you can work with the Parents Association.

Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa is a Green School.

Our Litter Code is:Beauty dies where litter lies

Our Energy Code is:      Switch it off…You’re better off”

Our Water Code is:Don’t wash your money down the drain

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