Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment (of any potential harm)

List of School Activities Risk Level The School has identified the following Risk of Harm The School has the following Procedures in place to address identified risks
Training of school personnel in Child Protection matters High Harm not recognised or reported promptly Child Safeguarding Statement & DES procedures made available to all staff

DLP& DDLP to attend PDST face to face training

All Staff to view Túsla training module & any other online training offered by PDST

BOM records all records of staff and board training

One to one teaching High Harm by school personnel School has policy in place for one to one teaching (in Special Ed. Policy)

Open doors

Glass in window

Care of Children including intimate care needs High Harm by school personnel Health & Safety Policy
Toilet areas High Inappropriate behaviour Usage and supervision policy

Code of Behaviour

Curricular Provision in respect of SPHE, RSE, Stay safe. Med Non-teaching of same School implements SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe in full
LGBT Children/Pupils perceived to be LGBT Med Bullying Anti-Bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour

Daily arrival and dismissal of pupils Med Harm from older pupils, unknown adults on the playground Arrival and dismissal supervised by Teachers

To be reinforced & children to wait in designated area

Managing of challenging behaviour amongst pupils, including appropriate use of restraint High Injury to pupils and staff IEP

Health & Safety Policy

Code Of Behaviour

Training for managing challenging behaviour

List of School Activities Risk Level The School has identified the following Risk of Harm

The School has the following Procedures in place to address identified risks
Sports Coaches Med Harm to pupils Policy & Procedures in place

P E Policy

Garda Vetting

Students participating in work experience Low Harm by student Work experience Policy

Garda Vetting

Teacher remains in classroom

Child Safeguarding Statement.

Recreation breaks for pupils


High Harm by pupils, personnel and neighbours Adequate yard supervision

Code of Behaviour

Separate play areas


Classroom teaching Low Bullying Anti-bullying

Code of Discipline

One-to-one involvement by class Med Harm to pupils Practices & Procedures re non-classroom areas

(office, staffroom, etc)

Outdoor teaching activities within school environs Med Bullying

Harm to pupil

Anti-bullying Policy / Supervision Policy

Adequate supervision

Sporting Activities High Bullying

School personnel

Avoid One-to-one

Adequate Supervision


Policy re Photographs

Homework club/evening study n/a
Breakfast club Med School personnel Avoid One-to-one
School outings High Bullying Anti-bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour


School trips involving overnight stay n/a
School trips involving foreign travel n/a
List of School Activities Risk Level The School has identified the following Risk of Harm

The School has the following Procedures in place to address identified risks
Use of toilet/changing/shower areas in schools High School personnel


Supervision Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour

Avoid one-to-one

Provision of residential facilities for boarders n/a
Annual Sports Day High Bullying

Harm to pupil

Anti-bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour


Fundraising events involving pupils Med Bullying Anti-bullying Policy
Use of off-site facilities for school activities High Bullying Anti-bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour


School transport arrangements including use of bus escorts Med Bullying

(Texting and Images)

Anti-bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour


Mobile phone policy (Staff)

Care of any vulnerable adult students, including intimate care where needed n/a
Management of challenging behaviour amongst pupils, including appropriate use of restraint where required n/a
Administration of Medicine Low Risk to child through neglect Supervision

Medication Policy

Administration of First Aid High Neglect

Harm by school personnel

First Aid Policy

First Aid Training

Designated First Aider

List of School Activities Risk Level The School has identified the following Risk of Harm

The School has the following Procedures in place to address identified risks
Curricular provision in respect of SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe n/a
Prevention and dealing with bullying amongst pupils Med Emotional harm to pupils Anti-bullying Policy
Training of school personnel in child protection matters n/a
Use of external personnel to supplement curriculum Med Harm to pupils Supervision

Garda Vetting

Care of pupils with specific vulnerabilities/ needs such as

  • Pupils from ethnic minorities/migrants
  • Members of the Traveller community
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) children
  • Pupils perceived to be LGBT
  • Pupils of minority religious faiths
  • Children in care
  • Children on CPNS
Low Bullying

Harm to pupils

Harm to staff

Anti-bullying Policy

Supervision  Policy

Code of Behaviour

Bus Escort risk assessment/ Policy in place

Use of school premises by other organisation during school day Low Risk to pupils

Inappropriate materials


Procedures for visitors

Door security

Students participating in work experience in the school n/a
List of School Activities Risk Level The School has identified the following Risk of Harm

The School has the following Procedures in place to address identified risks
Use of Information and Communication Technology by pupils in school Low Bullying ICT policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour

Internet sites blocked

Mobile Phone Policy

Recruitment of school personnel including –

  • Teachers
  • SNA’s
  • Caretaker/Secretary/Cleaners
  • Sports coaches
  • External Tutors/Guest Speakers
  • Volunteers/Parents in school activities
  • Visitors/contractors present in school during school hours
  • Visitors/contractors present during after school activities
Low Harm not recognised or properly or promptly reported Child Safeguarding Statement & DES procedures made available to all staff

Staff to view Tusla training module & any other online training offered by PDST

Vetting Procedures

Policy of Parents / Volunteers

Policy on Visiting Contractors

Application of sanctions under the school’s Code of Behaviour including detention of pupils, confiscation of phones etc. Med Harm by school personnel and other pupils


Code of Behaviour


Practice and procedures for 1:1

Distance between staff and pupil

Open door

Student teachers undertaking training placement in school Low Harm to pupil by lack of knowledge of practices and procedures Student supervised by teacher

Student made aware of Practice & Procedures file

Use of video/photography/other media to record school events High Harm to child

Harm to staff

Permission slips from Parents

Photograph Consent Forms

Mobile Phone Policy

After school use of school premises by other organisations n/a

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