Junior and Senior Infants

It has been a busy Term 1 in Junior and Senior Infants. The boys and girls have settled in very well and adapted to the new routines around Covid 19.

Lots of times was spent learning through play in lots of different subject areas. The boys and girls really enjoy Aistear and the different themes in the play areas. Some themes which we have explored are homes and the doctors. There will be many more themes in the new year.

The construction area is a very popular area and the boys and girls take great pride in their creations.

The boys and girls have developed many new skills such as handwriting, hurling , teamwork and turn taking to name a few.

Many new friendships have developed and it has been lovely to se all the children support and care for each other in the classroom and the yard.

Wishing this fantastic group of boys and girls a happy and safe Christmas and New Year and looking forward to a fantastic 2021.

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