We welcome the recent publication of the Roadmap for Reopening Schools from the Department of Education and Skills (DES). It is a detailed document which outlines some key changes our school will implement on the return to school. I want to assure you that while these changes will influence the operation of our school, our overarching aim will always centre on providing a high quality of teaching and learning for all children in our school.
The Board of Management and school staff are already working on applying the guidance from the DES to our school context in ensuring the return to school is as safe as possible for all. We await clarification from the DES on various aspects of the roadmap before we can update you further on how the return to school will look for our community.
We will issue detailed guidance to the school community on operations and procedures for the return to school in the coming weeks. I attach a letter to parents from Minister Norma Foley TD and the link to the government website which contains the Roadmap https://www.gov.ie/backtoschool/
We look forward to welcoming your child/ren back to Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa on August 31st 2020. In the meantime, I hope you have a restful summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September.