We hope everyone is doing well at home. Here is a list of websites which parents may find useful during this time. The list is intended to provide suggestions to parents and is not prescriptive.
Parents should check out the links below prior to allowing your child to access the links. We do not endorse any of the links below.
Follow us on twitter @NaofaScoil where we are sharing other useful resources and sharing links from other educators.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at office@scoilmochaomhog.ie
https://missdohertytipp.weebly.com/ – A useful blog from a former teacher in our school, Ms June Doherty.
www.spellingsforme.ie –an Irish website designed by Irish teachers. The site is offering free access for one year. It builds a spelling programme specifically for your child.
http://www.mrsbrownart.com/drive/ – Folders of Art ideas
www.prezi.com – An online tool which allows users to create a presentation. Most useful for older students wishing to create a presentation on a research topic.
www.login.mathletics.com – Lots of Maths activities
https://www.edcolearning.ie/ – providing free access to some educational titles
http://www.amazingeducationalresources.com/ – this website has a huge list of educational websites for children.
App – Teach Your Monster to Read – our teachers use this to aid teaching and learning in Literacy. Parents can download the app for free at this time. It would be most useful for our younger learners.
RTÉJr – 10 at 10 TV show which provides physical activity ideas
Update – 19 March
https://fluencyandfitness.com/membership-home/ – A website which combines reading and maths skills with exercise.
https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html – Online books which the children can read along with or read themselves. Quizzes and games to go with each story.
http://www.pobble365.com/ – Provides a different picture each day that you can chat about with your child or they can write a story using the picture as a stimulus.
https://www.onceuponapicture.co.uk/ – Provides different pictures that you can chat about with your child or they can write a story using the picture as a stimulus.