Artist in Primary School Scheme 2021

We’re delighted to receive confirmation this morning that our application for the Artist in Primary School Scheme has been successful with Tipperary County Council. We are really excited to get working on the project with local artist Paul Finch.

The guiding purpose of this proposal is to engage the students of the school in a creative and artistic journey. We aim to immerse the children in the creative thinking process. The theme of the project is ‘Biodiversity in our school environment‘.

The project aims to create a link between the school building and the community mutli-sensory garden (est. in 2019). The expected outcomes of the project include enhancing creative and critical thinking in our students through exploring and sharing ideas in relation to connecting the school and multi-sensory garden, working with materials (recycled copper, willow and sticks), reflecting on our impact on the environment and establishing a greener footprint in our immediate school environment.

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