School Photos

Last week a photographer from the Tipperary Voice newspaper visited our school to photograph our classes and the various school activities they partake in. Consequently these photos were published in this week’s edition of the newspaper and will hopefully be available here in the future.

MS Readathon Oct/Nov 08

Last year we had a very successful Book Fair, which contributed over a thousand euro worth of free books to our class libraries. Now with the M.S. Readathon there is the opportunity to put those books to good use. The Readathon goes on for a month from 17 October to 17 November. The focus of the month is for children to read as many books as possible and any money raised through sponsorship will go towards helping MS sufferers. Any sponsorship or donations collected should be brought to school on Tuesday 18th November. Readathon cards will also be collected on that day and sent away and hopefully nice prizes will come back to us in time for Christmas.

Book Fair 08

Books, books, books and more books bulged from every corner of the staff room. Every child got to feast their eyes on a wonderful collection of fiction and non-fiction books during Book Fair Week. Mrs. McCullagh organised the Book Fair and encouraged pupils to draw characters from their favourite books, create a comic strip, write stories and make bookmarks amongst other things. All this colourful and creative work was then on display on the notice board. Thanks to everyone who purchased as for every €1.00 spent gave the school 60c to spend on books for the classroom. A great success!

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