Creative Schools

The boys and girls are thoroughly enjoying our bird watching area. We have very keen bird watchers who have reported many sightings of birds back to their class. It is a wonderful interest and it is creating great discussions about our native birds.

Another aspect of our creative schools plan that has been put in place is our outdoor chalkboards. The children love this new creative outlet during their break times. A huge thank you to Seamus Ryan for kindly creating our flower chalkboards. It is very much appreciated by all in Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa.

Music in 1st and 2nd Class

1st and 2nd class were recently learning about dynamics. They used their whiteboards to respond to loud and soft sounds. They then made instruments. 1st class made shakers, different children were tasked with making loud and soft sounding shakers. They used a variety of materials to create the desired sound. 2nd class made xylophones. They used their xylophone to play some nursery rhymes.

Artwork in 1st and 2nd

1st and 2nd class celebrated World Dot Day by creating some Peter Reynold’s inspired artwork.

The children also designed flowers as part of a collaborative project.

Most recently, they took inspiration from the story ‘Mouse Paint’ to experiment with the colour wheel.

Notification regarding the Board of Management’s Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement

The Board of Management of Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa wishes to inform you that:

  • The Board of Management’s annual review of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement was completed at the Board meeting of 13/02/2020.
  • This review was conducted in accordance with the “Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement” published on the Department’s ‘website

The Child Safeguarding Statement is available on our ‘Policies’ page on our website or alternatively, from our school office.

Project Work

1st and 2nd Class created projects about nocturnal animals. They learned many interesting facts about their nocturnal animal and worked hard to record their information using their knowledge of report writing. The children then worked with their group to present their information as a poster and then present it orally to the class. They did a fantastic job!

Art Club

Art Club resumed this week for the children of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class. The children were working on the areas of paint, colour and printing. They created a heart just in time for Valentines!

To Infinity and Beyond!

1st and 2nd Class have been busy learning all about Space. They have enjoyed many picture books and video clips about The Solar System , The First Moon Landing, Chris Hadfield and Ellie Foraker.

The children used world book online and kiddle to research and create mini projects about the planets. They all did a wonderful job!

Meet Jimmy the Koala!

1st and 2nd Class have sponsored a Koala named Jimmy from the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital. The Koala Hospital are very busy caring for many injured and dehydrated Koalas during the terrible Australian Wildfires. The boys and girls are very excited to care for Jimmy. He only joined our class last week and has already helped make Eton Mess, play the Nintendo and go to ballet lessons.

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