3rd and 4th Italy and the Romans

This term we learned about Italy and the Romans as part of S.E.S.E . The children researched facts on Italy in order to create very impressive projects. Through our studies on the Romans we learned about Roman homes, the tactics and weapons of the Roman army ( see the children recreate the Tortoise below) and Roman Mosaics. As a whole the class really enjoyed these lessons, the olive tasting not so much.

CBS Visit

5th and 6th class boys had a very enjoyable day out in Thurles CBS on Thursday last. They took part in an event organized by Transition Year students as part of their Future Leasers initiative. The boys engaged in activities in Science, Music, Woodwork and PE. Thanks to the principal, Kathryn O Brien and the event coordinator, Eamon Buckley, for extending the invite to our school.

Money Matters in 3rd & 4th Class

Last week, Ms Bohan’s 3rd and 4th Class were learning about Money in Maths. The children were tasked with planning a movie night on a budget of €20. They were given a shopping leaflet and were asked to calculate their change. Their shopping lists included lots of treats! We enjoy applying real life problems to our learning in Maths.

Digital School of Excellence Project

Our school is participating in the Digital School of Excellence initiative with other local schools. Over the next few weeks, we will be experimenting with various types of digital sensors. This week, we are testing a pressure sensor. We tested Air Pressure in class today. During our next lesson, we will measure the air pressure using a digital sensor.

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